Bed Mattresses Cleaning

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Bed Mattresses Cleaning Services

We spend almost one-third of our life on mattresses. Putting on clean sheets is not enough to say the bed is clean. You should also think about what’s under the sheets. People hardly think of cleaning their mattresses. The hidden dirt absorbed by the mattress causes a foul smell and itchiness when you lie down. Your mattress is exposed to things such as sweat, dust, skin flakes, drool, and even a kid’s urine. Even with normal vacuuming of the mattress or changing the sheets, you cannot get rid of the debris gathered on your mattress. We provide professional mattress cleaning services in Dubai. Our expert team of cleaners removes every stain or spot on your mattress and ensures it’s free of dust mites and allergens.

How we work?

We offer mattress cleaning in the following five steps:

Step 1: We remove the dirt, dust, and all those unwanted particles gathered on the surface by vacuuming.
Step 2: Applying the shampoo on the surface to loosen the dirt and debris. We use a very high-quality product that is perfect for the toughest stains.
Step 3: Removing the spots and stains on the surface. The cleaners will give special care to those areas to get them completely removed.
Step 4: Then, the machine will extract out the dirt and other contaminants from the inside of the mattress using a powerful vacuum.
Step 5: Repeat the extraction process until the mattress is dry and restored to its former condition.

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