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Water Tank Cleaning & Disinfection Services

Toilet Services Specialized FM Systems Hard FM Services Soft FM Services Security & Manned Services One-Off Project Services Managerial & Technical Support PDF Files Download Brochures Company Profile Company Profile Water Tank Cleaning Services While there are no legal rules on who can clean a water tank, only a handful of companies have fully certified […]
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Drain Line Jetting

Window Services Specialized FM Systems Hard FM Services Soft FM Services Security & Manned Services One-Off Project Services Managerial & Technical Support PDF Files Download Brochures Company Profile Company Profile Drain Line Jetting Services Regular grease trap/tank and drain line cleaning is part of managing a smooth running, profitable business. No one likes to deal […]
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Grease Trap & Sumpit Cleaning

Kitchen Services Specialized FM Systems Hard FM Services Soft FM Services Security & Manned Services One-Off Project Services Managerial & Technical Support PDF Files Download Brochures Company Profile Company Profile Grease Trap & Sumpit Cleaning Grease trap cleaning is the process of removing grease waste and other food particles from the unit. Cleaning grease traps […]
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Bed Mattresses Cleaning

Door Services Specialized FM Systems Hard FM Services Soft FM Services Security & Manned Services One-Off Project Services Managerial & Technical Support PDF Files Download Brochures Company Profile Company Profile Bed Mattresses Cleaning Services We spend almost one-third of our life on mattresses. Putting on clean sheets is not enough to say the bed is […]
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AC Duct Robotic Cleaning & Disinfection

Plumbing Services Specialized FM Systems Hard FM Services Soft FM Services Security & Manned Services One-Off Project Services Managerial & Technical Support PDF Files Download Brochures Company Profile Company Profile AC Duct Robotic Cleaning It is a well-known fact, that ventilation systems are installed in buildings in order to ventilate the rooms. The system is […]
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Kitchen Hood Cleaning & Degreasing

Plumbing Services Specialized FM Systems Hard FM Services Soft FM Services Security & Manned Services One-Off Project Services Managerial & Technical Support PDF Files Download Brochures Company Profile Company Profile Kitchen Hood Cleaning Services We offer de-greasing and exhaust cleaning services. Our kitchen exhaust specialists are tasked to perform exhaust cleaning for commercial and residential […]
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